
Sourcing and procurement

Thanks to our software, optimize your supply chain !

Aroud the world, +500 customers trust DDS.

More than 500 customers, such as Carrefour, Alinéa, Engie, Total, …, trust our TMS solutions to optimize the management of their supply chain and transport.

Whether you are a shipper, a forwarder, a carrier or a retailer, our TMS is perfectly adapted to all your needs.

In a few figures

Cost reduction
- 0 %
CO² Emission
- 0 %
Productivity gains
+ 0 %
Visibility of flows
+ 0 %

Control your entire supply chain!

Sourcing and product repository

Collaborate with the various participants in your supply chain, gather your calls for tender to receive relevant proposals, quickly obtain new products from referenced suppliers to remain competitive, accurately calculate the production cost of products, and index the selected products and ensure the quality aspects. You will be able to simulate and compare suppliers’ offers. Thanks to our software, you can control the quality of products efficiently, virtually present the collections to buyers to optimize your transportation costs, visualize key performance indicators, and make the best decisions for your company.

Import order management

Our logistics tracking tool allows you to manage foreign orders by collecting data on ordered products, tracking their progress, organizing multiple shipments with a backlog, and scheduling quality inspections. Our Track & Trace application gives you complete control at every stage of your supply chain by allowing you to track order flow, monitor product volumes, and send automatic alerts in case of incidents or delays. Using our performance indicator, you can measure your performance in terms of flow management and determine the areas of improvement to optimize your supply chain.

Download our latest case study

Discover how Nexans digitized its supply chain.

Supply management

Our solution helps you plan raw materials, finished products, and component requirements based on demand and supplier delivery times. Our TMS software allows you to evaluate supplier performance regarding costs, delivery times, and quality. It also enables the automation of repetitive tasks to save time and reduce errors. In addition, analyzing the collected data will allow us to identify opportunities for optimization and cost reduction in purchasing and supply.

Penalty management

Our solution allows you to associate your suppliers and distributors in a standard process and around shared indicators through a unique solution for collaborative management of logistics penalties. Compliance with regulations, contract management, management of discrepancies, and logistics penalties, are all functionalities available in a combined solution.

DDS integrates with your ecosystem

You are in good hands

Responding properly to customer needs is our priority.

La maitrise du planning de nos quai via le logiciel de DDS nous a permis d’anticiper les aléas et de baisser de 20% le taux d’occupation de nos quais de réception

Nadège A.
Ingénieure Amélioration Logistique chez Rémy Martin

L’application de tracing mobil temps réel de DDS, nous permet un suivi immédiat de nos transporteurs. Les photos prises au départ et à l’arrivée des colis évitent les litiges avec nos transporteurs

Marc L.
Responsable Transport

Grâce à DDS, nous avons massifié nos transports et diminué de 20 % le coût à la tonne transporté

Xavier M
Responsable Service Clients & transports

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  • We organize a live demonstration

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  • A support for each phase of your project

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